The past few days have reminded us all that colder, wetter weather is on the way to the Prescott area.

Now is therefore a great time to take some important seasonal measures to make sure your home is ready for the months to come, in an effort to avoid any nasty surprises.

Heating System - If it hasn't been professionally serviced yet, now is a good time to get it checked out. Problems always seem to happen when it’s coldest. Also make sure that any vegetation is cleared from around your HVAC system to stop it from choking.

Ceiling Fans - Remember to reverse the airflow so that rising heat is redirected downwards into the room, helping to save on energy costs.

Programmable Thermostats - These are a potential big energy cost saver, enabling you to achieve consistent temperatures and lowering the temperature when no one is at home, for example.

Windows/Doors - Air leakage means higher heating bills, so make sure all building apertures are properly weather sealed. Curtains, drapes, shades and mini blinds can all help to conserve heat.

Sump Pumps - If you have one of these to eliminate basement moisture and prevent flooding, make sure it is functioning correctly.

Sprinkler Systems - It's time to switch your system off, if you haven't already done so. If you don't have a self-draining system, click here for some great sprinkler system winterizing tips.

Air Filters - This is an all-year round requirement, but the change in the seasons means it's a great time to ensure these aren't installed beyond their recommended lifespan.

Roofs - Make sure you don't have any broken or missing shingles or tiles.

Gutters - Ensure they are free of debris for proper water drainage and to avoid the possibility of dangerous icicle formation.

Down Spouts - Flexible spout extensions don't cost much and enable you to direct draining water away from your foundations.

External Faucets - Polystyrene faucet protectors generally cost around two bucks and can really help to avoid nasty issues arising from freezing.

Chimneys - Inspect and clean the chimney to ensure good airflow.

Outdoor Furniture - The winter weather won't be kind to these items, so make sure they are either stored indoors or at least covered.

We hope these simple measures help to ensure your home is trouble-free in the coming months. The Hyland Group is always ready to help you with anything related to real estate on 928-445-2100.