After a long and, at times, harsh winter, spring finally arrives next week.Now is a great time to be making a series of checks and performing maintenance around your home.

Here's a simple guide to some of the main things to take care of:
Air conditioning – It’s the perfect moment to get everything serviced so there are no interruptions when you most need cooling. Annual servicing can also help to keep your energy bills as low as possible.

Swimming pools - These are less of a problem if you pay to have them maintained. However if you perform this work yourself, you'll need to remove covers that have been in place all winter and undertake a thorough cleaning regime to get everything up to speed again. Hedges and trees around the pool may need pruning.

External faucets and sprinklers - It's very important to check to see if freezing winter temperatures have caused any damage.

Drives and other walkways - Inspect these for any winter concrete damage and make appropriate repairs if necessary.

Garages - It's a great idea to spring clean your garage as dirt from your car may have accumulated over winter and you may also have stored a lot of items in the garage during this time that may need sorting.

Window screens - These can easily be damaged in bad weather so check for integrity. Repair kits are easily available from almost all hardware stores.

Lawn mowers - Petrol-driven mowers, especially, may need a bit of maintenance after having been inactive for many months.Gutters - Make sure water drainage isn't blocked by any winter debris, including leaves.

Ceiling fans - It's time to reverse these for downward airflow.

Paintwork - Winter weather and temperatures can be tough on paintwork, so make a thorough inspection and make necessary reparations where applicable.

Decks - Now is the time to use your power washer on your deck to clear it of residual dirt and debris that is likely to have accumulated.

Fences - Check for any damage.

Roof tiles/shingles - Inspect your roof to see if any of these have been removed by high winds etc.

We hope you find at least some of these tips useful, especially if you are getting your home ready for sale. Please don't hesitate to contact The Hyland Group at 928-445-2100 for more specific guidance on presenting your home.