
Remarkably, it's already fall. Even though there are very few visual indications of it with current weather, it makes a lot of sense to get those essential home maintenance tasks done sooner than later.

Here are some of the important things you need to be taking care of:

- Your system should ideally have an annual service soon. Always best to do this before a problem hits during the holidays, for example. At the least make sure that you've made a visual inspection that all's well and your air filters are being changed regularly in accordance with instructions.

Sprinklers - Ensure these are winterized before the first freeze. It's a great idea to blow any residual water out of sprinkler pipes using compressed air. This prevents pipe bursts that lead to big issues when you start up the system in the spring.

Lawns and mulch - Cool weather grass seed needs to be sown right now and you can also use mulch around flowers, shrubs and bushes to help them stay warm in the coming months.

Exterior lighting - Safe and effective lighting is even more important as the hours of daylight decrease, so make sure everything's working.

Air sealing - Leakage of air around door and window surrounds costs money all year round. In summer you lose expensive cold air and in fall/winter your heating bill will be unnecessarily high. Therefore now is a good moment to carry out any required sealing.

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors - Check that these are all functioning as they should and that you have enough detectors for your safety.

Roofs - Don't wait until there's a leak to tell you your roof needs repairing. Inspecting a roof while its still very dry gives you time to sort things out before the wet weather, and possibly snow, arrives. Binoculars are a great help.

Gutters and downspouts - If leaves will soon be falling from your trees and the surrounding area, it's important to keep gutters and downspouts clear. Also make sure that water is directed at least three or four feet away from where it can seep into foundations and cause expensive damage.

Ice melt - Why wait until the first snow and ice arrives to buy some ice melt. Make sure you have an adequate stock of it right now.

We hope these reminders are helpful. As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at 928-445-2100 if you have any real estate questions or concerns.